Monday, January 30, 2006


I've been waking up at weird hours with a tightening in my gut and the thought, "Will this ever end?"

Will the blob of my body ever end? Will the waiting for insurance approval ever end? Will my love affair with food ever end? Will the cravings, which I am powerless over, ever end? Will the sideways looks and hushed comments of well meaning, and sometimes not, people ever end? Will my physical dependence on regular meds ever end (legal ones I might point out)? Will the dependence on this damn Cpap machine ever end?

I'm ready for these things to end, and a new beginning to commence.

Until then...

Friday, January 27, 2006

Goals for WLS

So I've got some reasons I want to have WLS. I thought I might list some of them.

1. Start off with the obvious. I'd like to loose weight. I currently weigh 350 lbs. I'd love to get down to 200 lbs. I would be content at 225 lbs. That's what I weighed when I got married 16 years ago. I am 5' 11" so that isn't unrealistic.

2. I like to be forever ridded of my cpap machine. Boy would I ever.

3. I'd love to have no hint of type II diabetes.

4. I'd love to have normal blood pressure and get off my meds.

5. I'd love to be able to wear my original wedding band. I think it is a size 11. I currently have a cheap replacement that is a size 17 I think.

6. I'd love to see if being lighter might help lessen the chronic mild depression I have had for the past 6-7 years.

7. I'd like to continue coaching my daughter's soccer team, but do so without gasping for breath during the easiest drills.

8. I'd like to take up mountain biking.

9. I'd like to take some form of martial arts.

10. I'd like to weight lift again, I did a good bit in high school.

I have some other life goals, but the ones listed above are all weight related. I think they are do-able, and I will give them my darndest if insurance will approve my request.

Keep praying!

Thursday, January 26, 2006

Not all the steaks fault

So in my last post I whined about how my tummy hurt from a delicious Outback steak. Yeah...later in the week I discovered it wasn't the steak, but was in fact a kidney stone. I passed it today at 4:30 PM while standing in front of a urinal at work. Can you say OUCH!

I have had kidney stones all of my life, since I was in junior high school. I've had surgery three times to have them removed. I guess I was lucky that this time it only hurt like hell and then passed quickly.

It did make the presentation I had to do for a church committee tonight MUCH EASIER.

Peace out, and the stone is too.

Tuesday, January 24, 2006

Off Topic - but just a bit

I don't usually eat steak. I really like it, but my wife doesn't really and frankly it is too expensive for me most of the time. If I do get to have steak, I either like to grill it myself or eat at Outback.

This past Sunday we went to Outback. I got a gift card for Christmas and thought I'd use it with my lovely family. We had the works. I had a 14 oz. Rock Hampton Rib-eye. It was the time.

About 4 PM in the afternoon I began to feel uncomfortable. It progressively got worse. Just a really nasty stomach ache. And is Tuesday and I still have the remnants of that stomach ache. YUCK!

Perhaps this was preparation for the life I am choosing with WLS.

A late addition to my new years resolutions for 2006 is to lay off the steak...well at least 14 oz. at a time.

Saturday, January 21, 2006

1st Support Group Meeting

I went to my first support group meeting the other night. It is a group specifically for those who have had lap band surgery and those who are interested.

Overall it was a good experience. I was a bit nervous because I never do well with small talk and meeting new people. I tend to be pretty introverted a good bit of the time.

The folks were very supportive of one another. The facilitator told her story and was very open and honest about her journey. She is a friend of my wife's and I imagine will be a great help in my journey.

I must admit, I was a bit surprised at the number of folks that had been banded some time ago and still appeared to have a good ways to go. Of course, I don't know where they started or what there journey has been like. It was a misconception on my part. I came away with a better understanding of how different the journey is for each individual. This was important for me to realize.

On the way home...I blew it. Like Ben & Jerry's Chubby Hubby, blew it. I have much to learn.

Until next time...

Thursday, January 12, 2006

Initial Consult Today

I met with Dr. Boyce this morning and all went well, for the most part.

I have decided that the lap band procedure the is right surgery for me. Dr. Boyce is fine with that. However, he did say that about a year ago, John Deere Select set a policy that they would only cover lap band if there were contraindications to performing the traditional bypass surgery. For example, you had previous abdominal surgery that resulted in much scar tissue. Then they would approve lap band. Dr. Boyce didn't know if this was still the case. I hope not.

Anyway, I told Dr. Boyce that I wanted to go ahead and try for lap band approval. We'll see what happens.