Thursday, June 21, 2007

Gelato Tour of Italy

I have recently returned from a 10 day tour of Italy. I was fast and furious. We visited Verona, Venice, Pisa, Florence, Lucca, Montalcino, & Rome. I can best describe the trip as reading the table of contents of a REALLY good book. Hopefully I'll get to go back someday and visit more thoroughly.

I ate much of what I wanted throughout Italy. Especially the gelato. It is amazing. My favorite flavors are pistachio and tiara misu (?). Believe it or not though, I lost 2 lbs. in Italy. I'm sure it was the endless walking. I'll take it however I can get it.


Tuesday, March 27, 2007

One Great Year

Today is the one year anniversary of my lap-band surgery. It has been a great year. I cannot believe how quickly it has flown by. Let's get the basics out of the way. My highest weight was 371 lbs. My pre surgery weight was 351 lbs. The day of surgery was 341 lbs. Today I weight 232 lbs. For a total loss of, 150, 130, or 120 lbs. depending on where you start subtracting from. It depends on how much motivation I need as to which numbers I use.

On the whole the process has been amazing. I have had no physical complications at all. I have had seven adjustments in a year. I believe I have around 8.3 cc's in my 10 cc band. The first six months were really a breeze. I did what the doctor said and the weight literally melted off. After six months I began to test the waters a bit and the weight loss slowed down. Then the holidays hit and I jumped off the wagon, willingly I guess. I did not lose any weight from December through January. After that every lost pound has come off much more slowly and with more concentrated effort. I do not make good choices all of the time. I battle everyday with making good food choices. I crave ice cream and chocolate everyday. Too often, I give in. The band allows me to eat less and has helped my finally understand what fullness feels like physically, but it has done nothing to curb the cravings and feelings of hunger that exist in my head. I am making progress however, I find that after surgery and up until recently most every thought I had was about food, when and what I would eat next, did I eat too much, was it a good choice, etc. Now I find that it doesn't consume me quite as much. I can go a day and eat when necessary and just enjoy whatever it is that I am doing. I do find that I am sometimes sad about food. It used to be that eating was an activity that I enjoyed very much. I guess I just don't enjoy it as much now, there is a sense of loss associated with meals. I am often depressed that I can't eat the big meal. I know that sounds crazy, but it is real.

On the upside, I feel better than I have in years. I have much more energy. The commorbidities I had pre-surgery have almost all been resolved. What a blessing it is not to have to sleep with a c-pap machine. I can but clothes in most any store. I'm not the heaviest person in the room anymore. People don't look at me with the, "is he going to keel over and die?" look anymore. I exercise regularly and enjoy it. I don't loath yard work anymore. Over and over people have asked me it I would do it again, and in immediately I tell them, "in a heart beat". Having lap-band surgery is one of the best decision I have ever made for myself.

Now, I'm in the process of having a tattoo done to capture this journey I have been on. It is of a phoenix rising from the fire. I've had the outline and shading work done. The color goes on next week. I'll post pics when it is done.

Blessing to you all,

Wednesday, March 14, 2007

Losing Again

Let's just say I've been monkeying around with the same five pounds
since January. I'll lose it and gain it every other week. I have to
admit that my food choices had not always been stellar. So, I went back
to see my MD and had my band tightened up - and tightened up good.

it was just what I needed. The weight is coming off again and my
attitude about food and my motivation level have improved dramatically.
As of today I am down 130 lbs. in one year, and 150 lbs. down from my
highest weight. That's amazing...huh?

I have 10 more pound to go to be at my goal weight and my goal BMI. Only 10 lbs. left, wow...


Saturday, February 24, 2007

Ride On

Thursday was BEAUTIFUL outside. I got my motorcycle out and rode all day. It was pretty cool at 9 AM but but lunch it had warmed up quite a bit and was a great day for riding.

There is a sense of freedom on the bike that is really unequaled, even in my Jeep with the top off. I am really looking forward to regular warmer weather so that I can ride more often. It certainly will help save on gas.

Until next time,

Tuesday, February 13, 2007

Better Today

It has been a very roller coaster week or so for me. There has been lots of turmoil on several fronts in my life. My tendancy when life gets stressful is to want to turn to my comfort foods. I have done that some. However, I am so thankful for my Lap-Band because while I do make poor choices on occasion, I have a tool that keeps me in check and allows me to start over fresh the next day. So far, a few bad choices have not led to self sabotage - which certainly was my pattern over the past numerous diet attempts.

On a good note - we adopted a new dog this weekend. His name is Jackson Rocolicious Gamble I. We call him "Jack" for short. I hope you enjoy his picture.


Wednesday, February 07, 2007


I'd like to think it is just the weather that has got me down. I know better. Life is too busy. I owe too much money. My pastor and friend is leaving. My wife's boss has no understanding of grace. Today, I feel trapped.

Boy, could I use some ice cream. Old habits die hard.


Friday, January 26, 2007

Support Group

I moderated my first support group last night. That sounds so official. In reality, the group would have carried on just fine without me. Everyone had much to say. It is apparent that the group is very much needed. It is a shame that our surgeon hasn't had a lap-band specific group until now. The needs for lap-band vs. bypass are different. It is important for folks to find support among those going through similar experiences. I look forward to the future of this group. There is a wide range of experience - veterans to newbies. I am sure there is much we can learn from each other.


Thursday, January 18, 2007

Hot Coffee & Used Clothes Shopping

Just a few random thoughts for today.

I love coffee. I always have, but it seems to have changed and intensified since banding. I like to try different flavors and strengths. I like to try different coffee shops and brands. For Christmas, my wife got me a gift card to Starbucks. You can always bet that is a safe gift for me. So on occasion, not daily, I stop by Starbucks and get a coffee. I don't do the fancy stuff because most of it has way too much sugar and carbs. On occasion I get a shot of a sugar free syrup for fun. Today I stopped by and noticed that they now have sugar free cinnamon dolce syrup. Um...can you say good. I may have discovered a new favorite treat. I am savoring every last drop.

After leaving Starbucks, I stopped by the Goodwill Store, used clothing, house wares, and local employment training facility. It is in a pretty nice neighborhood and often have some great buys. Since I have blown through clothing sizes, it is where I do a great deal of my clothes shopping. Today I hit the jackpot. I've been wanting a camel hair blazer for a long time, but would never buy one because I was too big or they were too expensive. Since losing weight I have been looking at them on eBay and in other stores. Sam's Club carried them this holiday season, and I even found one a Sam's yesterday for $40. A great bargain, but I opted to buy some groceries instead. Anyway, today at the Goodwill store I found a used camel hair sports coat from a local high end retailer marked at $10, but today was 50% off day, so I got it for $5.00. I immediately took it down the street to the cleaners. By the first of next week, I will have a SUPER nice jacket for less than $15.00 total.


Monday, January 15, 2007

Rough Week or So

I've had some unusual tightening in my throat over the past few weeks. It is right at my adams apple. It just feels like my throat is tight. Weird huh? I can eat and drink just fine, no PBing or anything.

I called my MD and he scheduled a barium swallow test to check my esophagus out. The more I thought about it, the more freaked out I became. I went through lots of "what if?" scenarios in my head - a band slip, esophageal dilation, throat cancer, on and on. In my panic, many of these scenarios resulted in my band having to be removed. I decided that next to having a loved one die, having my band removed is one of the worst things that could happen to me.

Well I waited on the results all day and none came. I called the MD early the next morning, as i had previously scheduled a band adjustment for later in the afternoon. The MD said their didn't appear to be anything wrong with my band and we could go ahead with the adjustment.

We did. He looked at it good, and even let me see it. All is well. He added .2 cc's. That means I have 8.2 cc's in a 10 cc. band. I only have about 20 lbs to go.

I still do not have an explanation for the tightness in my throat. It is getting better though. My MD says it could be from stress. Who knows.

I guess I could call this my first complication. If this is as bad as it gets, I am blessed.


Wednesday, January 03, 2007

Holidays are over, WHEW!

Well, I didn't just fall of the wagon over the holidays. I jumped. I pretty much ate what I wanted, just not as much of it. I over did it twice, once before Christmas and on New Years day, and made myself sick. No fun at all.

Now that the holidays are over, I am resolved once more to climb back on the wagon and carve off the last lbs. I was planning to lose.

On a good note, I didn't gain weight over the holidays and I did manage to exercise a few times a week.

Now on to my New Years Resolution. I've never been big on resolutions, but I guess this whole past year has been about living out all of those failed resolutions over the past many years. So this year I resolve to lose more weight, more specifically to get to at least 220 lbs. I'm only 15 away from that. And, I am going to up my weight training regimen significantly so that by the end of 2007, I will be able to bench press my body weight. I would do it in High School, we'll see if I can do it again.

Wish me luck, and a big thanks to everyone for your support in 2006,