Monday, July 24, 2006

2nd Adjustment

I had my second Lap-Band adjustment last Friday, and finally...I understand restriction. So far I, before 2nd fill, I noticed myself getting full and eating smaller meals, but it certainly wasn't what I would call food restriction.

Now I know. Every meal that I have had since Friday has been too much. I have either prepared a meal or ordered something in a restaurant that I thought was sensible. I have yet to be able to finish what is on my plate. This is what I have been waiting for. The place where my body helps me make good decisions, and I don't have to do it all on will power alone.

I'm pretty excited about what the future holds for me. It is a good place to be.

peace out,

Monday, July 17, 2006

Asian Salad Art

When you are tired of fast food...make art.


I'm at a stand still...for several reasons I imagine:

1. I need another adjustment. Luckily I am scheduled for one on Friday. Hopefully I will get better restriction than I did after the first fill.

2. I've been traveling a good bit and hanging out with teenagers. No matter how hard you try, when you are subjected to steady doses of fast foods and college cafeterias it is next to impossible to be 100% compliant with banster rules.

3. I have let my exercise regimen slip while I have been traveling. However, I am determined to get back on track. I'll start with a trip to the gym tonight after a healthy dinner cooked at home using the fresh veggies I grew in my own back yard.

So...all of these problems are correctable. Oh yea, in two weeks we leave for a week vacation with the family in Disney World - auggg.